We started a 20 Books for ... in 2020 series with a post on How to Read More this year.
Today we have 20 Books for Hippies in 2020.
It wouldn't be The Hippie Haus if we didn't do a series for hippies!
Below are some books from our personal library, and some we want to add
20 Books for Hippies in 2020
1. We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us Against - Nicholas von Hoffman
Explains the events and ideas that took place in 1967 in San Francisco, California very clearly, and is a great book for someone that wants to learn about hippies in the 60's. In this book, Von Hoffman describes ideas which were shared among the 60's youth, and approaches the hippie movement in a unique, different, extremely descriptive way.
2. The Hippy's Handbook - Ruth Bronsteen
This is a wish list book for us. As awesome as a good read is, corny things and this tongue-in-cheek reads are also fun. And this guide to the hippy underground is just that. This one is tough to find for a reasonable price, but what an edition to the collection it would make!
3. The Organic Artist - Nick Neddo
This book is for someone who is interested in art, but find that it's becoming an expensive hobby, or whose creativity has become stagnant. The Organic Artist encourages its readers to return to days when art was made with all-natural materials, such as wood, stone, feathers and bone. So you can choose crafts that match your lifestyle.
4. Alkaline Herbal Medicine - Aqiyl Aniys
Gives insight into many of the herbs used to reverse disease in Dr. Sebi's African Bio Mineral Balance. It covers scientifically supported properties, preparation, doses and dosages, and how to combine herbs. Alkaline Herbal Medicine also addresses alkaline foods on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, along with other aspects of the electric alkaline diet.
5. Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms - Paul Stamets
After years of living in awe of the mysterious fungi known as mushrooms-chefs, health enthusiasts, and home cooks alike can't get enough of these rich, delicate morsels. With updated production techniques for home and commercial cultivation, detailed growth parameters for 31 mushroom species, a trouble-shooting guide, and handy gardening tips, this revised and updated handbook will make your mycological landscapes the envy of the neighborhood.
6. Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World - Paul Stamets
A manual for the mycological rescue of the planet. That’s right: growing more mushrooms may be the best thing we can do to save the environment, and in this groundbreaking text from mushroom expert Paul Stamets, you’ll find out how.
7. Natural Health Remedies - Janet Maccaro PhD *
Finding a natural health reference book written from a Christian perspective can be a challenge—until now. Dr. Janet Maccaro presents a "self-care manual" of remedies for conditions from acne to zoonosis, and she shows you the healthiest foods, herbs, vitamins, and minerals for good health.
8. The Home Apothecary - Stacy Dugliss-Wesselman
An apothecary is a skilled craftsperson who compounds herbal mixtures that enhance health and beauty. Put aside the modern world of tricky marketing and harmful chemicals and create your own apothecary solutions. They’re fresh, safe, and effective—and many are made from the wholesome ingredients already in your kitchen and garden.
9. Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One With the Universe - Yumi Sakugawa
Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe will set you free on a visual journey of self-discovery. Set against a surreal backdrop of intricate ink illustrations, you will find nine metaphysical lessons with dreamlike instructions that require you to open your heart to unexplored inner landscapes. From setting fire to your anxieties to sharing a cup of tea with your inner demons, you will learn how to let go and truly connect with the world around you.
10. The Book of Symbols - Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism
The Book of Symbols combines original and incisive essays about particular symbols with representative images from all parts of the world and all eras of history. The highly readable texts and over 800 beautiful full-color images come together in a unique way to convey hidden dimensions of meaning.
11. Quadrivium - Miranda Lundy
The quadrivium-the classical curriculum-comprises the four liberal arts of number, geometry, music, and cosmology. It was studied from antiquity to the Renaissance as a way of glimpsing the nature of reality. Geometry is number in space; music is number in time; and cosmology expresses number in space and time. Number, music, and geometry are metaphysical truths: life across the universe investigates them; they foreshadow the physical sciences.
12. The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall
Find a known crystal instantly or identify an unknown crystal in this easy-to-follow directory that includes photographic identification, detailed descriptions, and information on the individual properties of each crystal--including the spiritual, mental and psychological, emotional and physical effects, plus its use in healing. It's an indispensable reference for crystal lovers everywhere.
13. A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming - Dylan Tuccillo
Imagine being able to fly. Walk through walls. Breathe underwater. Imagine experiencing your nighttime dreams with the same awareness you possess right now - fully functioning memory, imagination, and self-awareness. Imagine being able to use this power to be more creative, solve problems, and discover a deep sense of well-being. This is lucid dreaming - the ability to know you are dreaming while you are in a dream, and then consciously explore and change the elements of the dream.
14. The Complete Textbook of Holistic Self Diagnosis - Llaila O. Afrika
A simple to use diagnosis methods for non-professionals, professionals, and children. Instructions on how to identify diseases and their causes revealed by the fingers, fingernails shape, lips, teeth, tongue, nose, ears, eyes, eyebrows, face, hair, feet, etc. There are many illustrations, charts, tables, chemical test, and many body signs of sickness. No science background is required to learn the simple and easy to use diagnosing methods.
15. Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, & Spirit - Queen Afua
A transformative journey of physical and ancestral healing from a renowned herbalist, natural health expert, and dedicated healer of women’s bodies and women’s souls. Queen Afua practices a uniquely Afrocentric spirituality. Her classic bestseller, Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity, forever changed the way African Americans practice holistic health. Now, with Sacred Woman, she restores the magnificence of our spirits through sacred initiation.
16. Kemetic Diet: Food for Body, Mind and Spirit - Muata Ashby
The Kemetic Diet is a program of conscious living that is based on the teachings and lifestyle of the Ancient Africans who lived in Kemet, the land today is referred to as Ancient Egypt. The ancient Kemetics were the healthiest people in the ancient world and their medical knowledge was renowned in ancient times.
17. Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity - Queen Afua
This is a highly spiritual take on the raw food diet and live juice fasting, and also includes some cooked natural dishes and herbal remedies as well. A do-it-yourself guide and recipe book for everyday people who desire to begin and maintain a holistic lifestyle.
18. The Complete Medicinal Herbal - Penelope Ody
Here is a full guide to the healing properties of herbs, with more than 120 medicinal herbs and their therapeutic properties included. Penelope Ody’s guide is essential for natural healthy enthusiasts and herbalists.
19. Mushrooms, Myths & Mithras - Carl A.P. Ruck
An illustrated book that traces the history of unlikely force in the shaping of Western civilization: the use of psychedelic mushrooms. Conspiracy theories are always interesting and this is definitely one for the books. Mushrooms, Myth and Mithras takes you in the cult of the Mithras. Learn how these "magical dinners" shaped the Western world.... or did they?
20. Moon Watcher's Companion - Donna Henes
Everything you ever wanted to know about the moon and more. From the very earliest time, people have watched the moon's mysterious and fascinating nocturnal sky show with amazement and intrigue. In Moon Watcher's Companion the imaginations of those who have contemplated the moon are enlivened by poems, drawings, stories, ancient wisdom, and scientific findings from a diverse blend of people and cultures throughout the world.
Have you read any of these books? Have any suggestions to add? Let us know in the comments below – We love talking books! (not quite as much as food ... but it's pretty high up there!)