Our world is in the middle of a massive shift.
What was important yesterday is not important today and I can't imagine it will be important tomorrow.
So what are we to do??
We're inside, trying our best to stay healthy … and sane.
Instead of going stir crazy maybe use this time to figure out what your purpose is in this life.
It's such a weird thing to try and figure out Your Life's Purpose, like …. What does that even mean??
I have asked that same question so many times and got so many different "answers."
After reading all sorts of books and articles, taking a crazy amount of personality, assessment, and online quizzes, the way that worked best for me I have shared with you here :)

As always, please, please Live Your Best Life! Take from this what works best for you and pay no mind to that which doesn't quite resonate.
We are all such unique and multi-faceted creatures, it's almost impossible to expect to find all the answers in one place from one person.
We're all human after all.
So, please give this a try and let me know what you think.
Did this form help you find your purpose?
What, if anything, would you have done differently?
I can't wait to talk to you about it!